Books on C-Section Recovery

With the great surge in c-sections being performed in the US, there are finally books being published about c-sections in general and recovery in specific. I have also included other books you may be interested including books about breastfeeding and coping with postpartum depression, as well as some older titles that you might find useful.

Mothering the New Mother: Women's Feelings and Needs After Childbirth a Support and Resource Guide A fabulous resource for the new mom and those who want to do their best to support her. While this book does not have a special focus on cesarean moms, it is still a great resource for all the rollercoster ride which is becoming the mother of a new baby.

This Isn't What I Expected : Overcoming Postpartum Depression: Thorough coverage of postpartum depression including symptoms, treatment options and stories from other mothers to reassure you that you are not alone. You are not the first mother to feel this way.

Spilled Milk: Breastfeeding Adventures and Advice from Less-Than Perfect Moms:
In the introduction, the author says she wanted to write a book that would read like a middle of the night support group from mom's who have been there - for mom's in the midst of breastfeeding. A great read - and very supportive of whatever choices you need to make. Includes stories from other cesarean moms.

Nursing Mother's Companion 8th Edition: The Breastfeeding Book Mothers Trust, from Pregnancy Through Weaning:
A great book with all the basics - as well as an extensive troubleshooting section. Good to have on hand for reference - even if this isn't your first time breastfeeding.

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding: Completely Revised and Updated 8th Edition:
The La Leche League classic handbook. Includes some information specifically for mom's recovering from cesareans. Also has good diagrams and lots of supporting information explaining all the ways that breastfeeding is good for you and your baby.

The Essential C-Section Guide: Pain Control, Healing at Home, Getting Your Body Back, and Everything Else You Need to Know About a Cesarean Birth: This book, published in June of 2004, covers everything from the basics of c-section procedures to information about side effects and all aspects of recovery afterward. Written by two journalists who both have had c-sections themselves, this book is a good first stop both for women who know they will be having a c-section as well as those who unexpectedly had one after an attempt at a natural delivery.

Caesarean Birth: A Positive Approach to Preparation and Recovery: Published in 2018, this book covers every aspect of caesareans, particularly for those in the UK. Focuses on supporting those preparing for giving birth and helping them make informed decisions about c-sections.

My Caesarean: Twenty-One Mothers on the C-Section Experience and After: Published in 2019, this book includes 21 essays that share first-hand personal experiences with c-sections. Aimed both at those who may be facing a c-section and those who are recovering from one.

Lose Your Mummy Tummy: Written by R.N., personal trainer, fitness instructor and childbirth educator Julie Tupler it details how to get rid of you mummy tummy (her term). A fresh approach that actually explains why it is hard to get your tummy flatter after having a baby. Detailed photos showing how to do exercises. Includes a special section which addresses issues for those recovering from c-sections. I liked the tone of the book as well as the step by step approach. Instead of a laundry list of exercises to do, the book explains how to gradually work your way through the 'Tupler Technique'. Explains clearly why doing a million crunches *won't* get your tummy flat after you have had a baby.

Cesarean Section: Understanding and Celebrating Your Baby's Birth (strong medical focus): Written by two doctors, this book is very focused on the medical point of view. It has extensive coverage of reasons for, details and risks of c-sections. With only seven pages on at home recovery and five pages on postpartum depression (there is a much bigger section on contraception which seems a bit out of place with the rest of what this book is trying to cover) - I would not recommend this book for the mom looking for advice and help for c-section recovery. If you are looking for basic medical theory on the why and how of c-sections - this book may be just fine.

What If I Have a C-Section? This book, published back in 2004, is geared mostly to the curious pregnant mom who wants to be prepared in case she has a c-section. Chapter 2 (On the Big Day) and Chapter 3 (Recovering Quickly) provide 40 pages of information of interest to those about to have or recovering from a c-section. The rest of the book covers why one might have one, information about deciding to have a c-section and what you can do to avoid having a c-section. Good coverage of basics of recovery and includes tips and personal stories.

Cesarean Recovery (written by a personal trainer) This book was written by a personal trainer and focuses on an exercise program to bring the post c-section mom from the hospital through to regaining her pre-pregnancy body. It also has brief sections on breastfeeding, emotional issues, and a basic overview of the surgery itself. Great (slightly dated) photos of women doing the exercises along with clear guidelines of when to progress to each level of exercise. Published in 2004.